Tuesday, 23 December 2008
23-12-08 to 26-12-08
23-12-08 to 26-12-08 no need to go to SPD because the training officer from SPD need to prepare for next year. On 23-12-08 my aunty bring my sister and I to North Point Shopping Centre. At there I ate sushi, the sushi was nice. I have quite a long time diddent eat sushi alrady.
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
今年我已经十八岁了所以我要去SPD,星期一就是我去SPD的第一天。我妈妈和我妹妹陪我去SPD,那边是一间DAC来的,那边还有一间餐厅,楼上还有PT,OT,跟ST很方便可是我觉得有一点boring。一天只要在那边六个小时,可是对我来说是很久的。我本来是哪里都不要去的可是是我妈妈叫我 一定要去还有我觉得那边的人很helpful,还有我听说那边每个星期都有outing。然后我只好改变我的看法。
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
昨天是17-11-08是school holiday的第一天。我的亲戚和两位volunteers带我妈妈,我妹妹和我一起出去。首先我们讲要去Vivo city然后我的亲戚讲太远,然后我们去Bugis Junction。去到那边我们看到下大雨,然后我们就去City Hall的shopping centre吃东西。吃好了东西,我们就去Suntec City一位volunteer讲“本来我们可以走过去的,可惜还是下雨”然后我们就请那边的保安人员来开升降机给我们下去。我们就走到四点多,一位volunteer讲我请你们吃海南餐。我们就跟着那位volunteer。等我们要去搭MRT的半路我们看到 Teacher Shadah,一下子我们就回家了。那天我很开心。
Sunday, 16 November 2008
On Saturday 15/11/08
On Saturday 15/11/08 it was my graduation day. When I was in school, I felt very scared because I don't know I need to go up on the stage or not. When I reached school and I saw the hall I told myself why so grand. When I went up the stage, I always looked at my sister because if I saw many people I would be scared. When the graduation ended, I went to take off the gown becauuse it was very hot. After a while I took some photo with Teacher Lanny. After a while I saw Teacher Cathryn. I asked Teacher Cathryn to take photo with me. I wanted to take photos with Teacher Cathryn because I would be leaving the school. But sometimes I went to Teacher Cathryn class I saw that she was busy. That day I was very happy.
Friday, 14 November 2008
weekend outing on 8-11-08 - 09-11-08
On Saturday we went to Mandai Zoo. It was organized by NIE Teacher Trainees. When I got up the bus, I only saw Piravin on my bus. We were the first to arrive. Then the volunteers from Pei Chun secondary school came. We saw tigers, peacocks, hippopotamus, monkeys, orang utans and elephants. The elephants are clever. Their trunks can move heavy things. We also saw some birds such as parrots and ibis. That day I was very happy.
On Sunday we went to Singapore Flyer. It was sponsored by SIA Engineering. My mother went with me. Inside the Flyer, it was quite boring but the scenery was nice. Then we went to Popeye to eat salad and French fries (I am a vegetarian). After a while the boss from SIA Engineering gave us presents. After we went home I opened the present, it was a model airplane. That day I was very happy.
On Sunday we went to Singapore Flyer. It was sponsored by SIA Engineering. My mother went with me. Inside the Flyer, it was quite boring but the scenery was nice. Then we went to Popeye to eat salad and French fries (I am a vegetarian). After a while the boss from SIA Engineering gave us presents. After we went home I opened the present, it was a model airplane. That day I was very happy.
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Outing to Southern Ridges Park
When my sister was young, my father brought us to a forest in Thomson area. She always said, “Don’t go too fsr in.” Because she was scared that we would lose our way. On Wednesday Class 9A 8A and our class 7A went outing together to Southern Ridges Park. When we reached there my sister said, “Wait we cannot go back.” We crossed a bridge call Henderson waves. The scenery is nice and we took group photos. I like the scenery very much. The Henderson Waves is the highest overhead bridge in Singapore. It is 36 metre high. Next we walked to the Forest walk. The Forest walk is very long. But the scenery is not as good as that at Henderson Wave. Almost to the end of the walkway, we saw one family of monkeys. After a while, the father monkey was angry because a lot of people wanted to take photo with him. So we quickly walked away to the Leaf Bridge and we went to a garden called Hort Park to rest. It was a fun day and I hope I can go back again.
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Sunday, 26 October 2008
The Happiest Day in My life
When I am young I am a normal child, until five years old I don’t know why I kept on fall down. When I am nine years old suddenly my sickness became worsen. So I skip one year, so I ten years old I was at P3 but my sickness still one year worsen then one year. Until I was twelve years old suddenly my sickness was very worsen. So that thirteen years old I stop studying. That year I went to SGH, the doctor give us medicine to try then we got side effect our side effect is the whole body keep on shaking. So my mother goes to the media. Then got many people came to our house and visited my sister and I also got many people came to our house give us treatment. Until I was fourteen years old volunteers from Tzu Chi came to our house and said they wanted to bring us to Taiwan. When I was in Taiwan first thing the Taiwan doctors checkup for us. When one month later my sister started to operation. After two week, it was my turn Then when I came out from operation I found that I got no shaking, then It was my happiest day in my life.
I wish that I can walk by my own
I wish that I can walk by my own
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
plastic bag and our envirorment
In class we read about plastic bags ban. Plastic bags are made from oil, we save oil if we used less plastic bags. Plastic bag trash will pollute our envionment and destroy wildlife. America is trying to save the earth, they are banning use of plastic bags. Plastic bags are buried in landfills and plastic bags needs 1000 years to break down.
America used 100 billon plastic bags a year.
Singapore used 2.5 billon plastic bags a year
Singaporeans are using too many plastic bags.We must do our part:
Use more recycled bags. Our supermarkets are encouraging customers to use recycled bags.
I will ask all my family members and relatives to try to use recycled bags and to cut down use of plastic bags. There is no need for one plastic bag when I buy one small thing.
America used 100 billon plastic bags a year.
Singapore used 2.5 billon plastic bags a year
Singaporeans are using too many plastic bags.We must do our part:
Use more recycled bags. Our supermarkets are encouraging customers to use recycled bags.
I will ask all my family members and relatives to try to use recycled bags and to cut down use of plastic bags. There is no need for one plastic bag when I buy one small thing.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Last Friday
Last Friday we went to Jurong Bird Park. We reached about 8.30am. We watched the Bird of Prey show. The hawks were big and strong. Then we went to watch the Bird and Buddies show at the Pools Amphitheatre. The parrot was cute because it could sing malay song. We also went to see penguin Expedition. The penguins were cute because I like penguin very much.I didn't know penguin can live in Singapore. We also went to the World of Darkness to see owls. Then we went to see the talking parrots. I wish I can go again because it was fun. That day I was happy.
Saturday, 11 October 2008
因为上次我还没有从台湾回来台湾的医生讲我还没发育好还不可以动手术。因为我的脊椎骨有歪。所以他们要跟我动手术还有他们讲动脊椎骨 手术是个大手术。还有动手术一定会有风险的
因为上次我还没有从台湾回来台湾的医生讲我还没发育好还不可以动手术。因为我的脊椎骨有歪。所以他们要跟我动手术还有他们讲动脊椎骨 手术是个大手术。还有动手术一定会有风险的
Friday, 3 October 2008
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
上个星期六我e mail给Teacher Lay Keong我讲不要给我这样的功课。她听错,下次不要给我功课。我是说,不要给我这样的功课,就是说,这样的功课太难了也是说给我其他的功课
还有另外一段就是我要跟他讲我的病情。我没有叫她是因为,我觉得e mail跟sms是一样的,我上次每次sms给我的哥哥都有叫他的,他骂我: 他讲不用叫的啦!所以我就没有叫咯
她看了我的e mail她讲我很生气。
还有另外一段就是我要跟他讲我的病情。我没有叫她是因为,我觉得e mail跟sms是一样的,我上次每次sms给我的哥哥都有叫他的,他骂我: 他讲不用叫的啦!所以我就没有叫咯
她看了我的e mail她讲我很生气。
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Last week was school holiday
Last week was school holiday,every I stay at home. Only Tuesday and Thersday I went out with my mother and my auntie.
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
National Day
Last Friday is National Day,
Singapore birthday is also my sister's birthdy. I think I will go out but my auntie did not call to my home, and my mother too also wants to go out. So I have a boring national day
Singapore birthday is also my sister's birthdy. I think I will go out but my auntie did not call to my home, and my mother too also wants to go out. So I have a boring national day
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
only Human
This songs is taken from a Japanese drama. It is about a fifteen years old girl. Her sickness is getting more serious. She died at the age of twenty something.
Every web page have the drama. The drama name is one litter of ters
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Sunday, 29 June 2008
Friday, 13 June 2008
Friday, 6 June 2008
昨天那位volunters总算带我们去shopping了。那位volunters住的地方在很远。想不到!我妹妹讲要去northpoint,northpoint是一个很小的shopping centre,那时候我想去大,可是我妹妹又要去小,那时候我们就一直吵。结果我们只好去小的[northpoint]。
Monday, 2 June 2008
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
星期一我们准备要跟volunters去shopping。想不到! 当我们准备好了,既然天不作美,下起了大雨。我妈妈就叫我sms给volunters跟他换时间,一下子,想不到雨既然停了下来。我就乖乖的留在家。
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
上个星期五我又上了一堂life skill。我们的teacher choy煮了chicken & potato nuggets。他煮了很多所以我才能够“打包”回家吃。回到家之后,我跟妹妹就吃了teacher choy的potato。吃完后我就睡午觉。睡醒之后我就不懂为什么肚子痛,痛到我去“LS”。
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
昨天,我的班来了一位volunteer 她实在严肃,好像一位校长。
最惨的是teacher choy说她可能是我们的teacher assistant。过后我就去问teacher lay keong。她也说有可能。可是我得先给她feedback。如果feedback不好,她就会跟“真正”的校长讲。
最惨的是teacher choy说她可能是我们的teacher assistant。过后我就去问teacher lay keong。她也说有可能。可是我得先给她feedback。如果feedback不好,她就会跟“真正”的校长讲。
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
我的老师的名字叫Choy Wei Qiang我们都叫他Teacher Choy,他是一个很有趣的人也是一个非常欢迎的人。就说我们在canteen的时候,他不用去找人,别的小孩子自然会去找他的。很奇怪!!!可惜他28-4-08讲他要走了那时我很惊奇,我就问你要走去哪我也问“你不是开玩笑的吧”因为他很会开玩笑的吗。然后他就跟我笑笑的说,“你看我的样子会像是开玩笑的吗”。
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
that day i went to the airport
17-4-08我去changi airport teminal 3 outing我感到很好玩,去那边的第一件事,就是我爸爸叫我们帮他宣传他所扑的地毯。第二件事就是teacher choy拔一根carpet的毛给我叫我拿回去给我爸爸看。第三我们就走走走,就走到skytrain我们就坐skytrain坐到teminal 1然后我们就走去canteen
等到那个canteen,我还记得那边的东西还蛮好吃的,还有不懂为什么haris, hema 和gee beng 不懂为什么轮椅推得非常快haris,一到学校他就推得很慢,我想他应该是在changi airport他推太多了。
等到那个canteen,我还记得那边的东西还蛮好吃的,还有不懂为什么haris, hema 和gee beng 不懂为什么轮椅推得非常快haris,一到学校他就推得很慢,我想他应该是在changi airport他推太多了。
Saturday, 29 March 2008
- 我小时候是一个很正常的小孩也是一个非常建康的小孩很少生病的。到了五岁我就一直要跌倒,因为我一直拖地板也就是说比如前面有凹凸不平的路让普通人走过去不会怎样 我走过去就一定会跌倒因为我一直拖这地板走路。六岁到七岁一年比一年严重,八岁那年就要别人牵住我的手我才能走路,
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
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